Wer hätte gedacht, dass wir uns in diesem Sommer noch wiedersehen würden?

Die Corona-Pandemie hat viele Branchen schwer getroffen. Auch uns.
Von 100 auf 0 innerhalb weniger Tage. Abgesagte Konzerte, keine Vertragsverhandlungen, keine Auftritte – vorerst.
Sehr schnell haben wir uns dazu entschieden, in der Phase des Lockdowns „Online-Konzerte“ zu geben.
Gesagt, getan – und so sendeten wir 6 Wochen lang jeden Freitag live über Facebook und Instagram von Orten in Bremen und Bremerhaven, die plötzlich menschenleer waren: Havanna Lounge, Metropol Theater, Atlantic Grand Hotel, Fly Deck auf dem Teerhof, Bremen Airport und Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven – dort sogar mit Live-Schaltung nach New York.
Nun sind wir sehr glücklich, dass die Lockerungen Kunst und Kultur, Sport und Freizeit und vieles mehr Stück für Stück wieder möglich machen. Die Gelegenheit haben wir natürlich sofort ergriffen, damit wir endlich wieder für unser Publikum live spielen können.
Eines hat diese Krise für uns ganz deutlich gemacht.
Wir sind froh, dass wir und die Menschen, die wir lieben gesund sind. Denn was nützen uns all die materiellen Dinge, das Geld, die Reisen oder oder oder, wenn wir niemanden haben, mit dem wir sie teilen können?
25.000 Viewer at Transatlantic Live Concert April 30th, 2020
Wow, thank you so much. Through our different channels at Instagram, Zoom and Facebook we gave our Transatlantic Concert from the German Emigration Center in the town of Bremerhaven where we performed with our band in the replica of New York´s Grand Central Station. Facebook was the main channel with almost 20.600 clicks.
The clou was a live talk to New York City and another one to San Francisco talking to American friends who described the situation during this corona crises live.
Very soon, we will have another international concert coming up – but finally also „real“ Open Airs in Germany.
We are thankful for your support!

Thank you so much to our talk guests in NYC Hans Niebergall and in San Francisco to Andreas Hildebrandt!
And a special thank to all the people and especially the German Emigration Center who supported us so much!
Transatlantic Online Concert – German Emigration Center (Bremerhaven) – New York City
On Thursday April 30th, 2020, at 12 pm EST (which is: 9 am PDT / 6 pm European Summertime) our next Online Live Concert will be streamed from the German Emigration Center (the European pendant of the immigration Center on Ellis Island/NYC).
The concert takes place in New York’s Grand Central Terminal.
Well, at least in terms of staging, because the Grand Central Terminal is the faithful replica as an exhibition space in the German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven.
The concert and the moderation will be mainly in English and Sara Dähn and I will be accompanied by our band.
A great honor is that the world famous Havard Club of New York is announcing this concert to its around 12.500 members! Wow!
Also Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs in NYC and in Germany are informing/inviting its members. Thank you so much!
But we also hope that our friends in Nebraska, Alabama, Florida and California are also joining.
The German Emigration Center in Bremerhaven is situated on a historic site in the New Harbor, which opened in 1852 and was the departure point for approximately 1.2 million emigrants to the New World by 1890. The New Harbor was adjacent to the Old Harbor (Alter Hafen), the Imperial Harbors (Kaiserhäfen) and the Columbus Wharf, all departure points for the 7.2 million emigrants who sailed for the New World from Bremerhaven.
Along with Bremerhaven’s Mayor Torsten Neuhoff and members of the City Council and Bremerhaven Tourism (BIS) we all decided that the world known Emigration Center would be the most perfect location for a unique concert celebrating Transatlantic partnership and solid friendship during this pandemic.
„Ultimately, it’s about friendship across borders, encouragement to continue and stay healthy and above all to thank the first responders, the nurses, doctors, police officers, firemen and -women, everyone who puts her and his life on the line to help us survive. Thank you and we are proud to sing and play music to all of you”
quote: Voice Over Piano / Sara Dähn & Thomas Blaeschke
Please, share and become follower of Voice Over Piano at YouTube, FB and Insta – thank you
Here a newspaper review of Berliner Woche of the last concerts – and also very nice: the largest ticket reseller company of the world, Ticketmaster / Live Nation Entertainment, announces us in Germany right next to Miley Cyrus, Michael Bublé, Dolly Parton and Melissa Etheridge. Very flattering and enjoyable 🙂
